Bristol Young Buddhists | Fri 3 Sept
Friday 3rd Sept | 7:30pm (join us from 7:15)
The Gold of Community

Community is often missing, or weak, within the dominant individualist culture of the UK. The lone wolf is seen as strong.
But among community is where we can grow stronger throughout our lives. With deep roots and lofty heights. We can only get so far on our own. Being in connection with others gives us opportunity to learn.
“When we practice in the spiritual community, there are more people to support us but also more opportunities for frustration and anger.
Loving speech and deep listening are key to community building” – Thich Nhat Hanh
A evening of lived experiences will be shared. And the deep potential of the community is waiting to be unveiled…
Join us!!! In person at the centre (in the warm!)
Keep updated through the What’sApp group about events and socials (come along and ask to be added)
Our centre runs on generosity, so there is no charge, but if you are able to donate to help keep us running, you can do that here.
Any questions then do get in touch –
First Friday of the month. You can join us any time from 7.15 pm onwards if you’d like to say ‘hello’. We’ll start at 7.30 and run until 9pm.
About these sessions: We run monthly meditation and Buddhism evenings for those between 18 and 35. We also do walks and meet ups too. The events are set up by the Bristol Young Buddhists team and supported by an experienced Buddhist pracitioner. There is a mix of meditation and talks, along with a chance to chat about yourself and your life.
This space is about making friends, growing our community, practicing meditation together and learning about Buddhism. The aim is to make Buddhism relevant to our everyday lives. So if there’s anything you want to hear about then do let us know!

The team comprises of Hannah and Esme, with Will helping on the socials. We would love to see you!
Connect with younger Sangha around Triratna here.