About Us

Bristol Buddhist Centre is a Centre of the worldwide Triratna* Buddhist Community which was founded in 1967 by Sangharakshita. He was an Englishman who has spent over 20 years practising Buddhism with a range of teachers in India. Here is a website dedicated to the life of Sangharakshita.
In founding the Triratna Buddhist Community, Sangharakshita’s vision was to create an effective Sangha to enable people to change their lives through really practising the fundamentals of what the Buddha taught, and to help others to do the same.
Want to know more about us? Take a look here at ‘How Triratna Works’.
At fifty years old, Triratna is a new and developing Buddhist tradition; a huge amount that’s good has been achieved in a short time. Reconsidering and envisioning how Buddhist practice is lived, fully, in the modern world has not been without its difficulties and mistakes. You can read more about Triratna’s development here and about how our difficulties and mistakes have been methodically and fully addressed. This includes having a safeguarding contacts and officers. If you need to contact someone regarding a safeguarding issue then please email: safeguarding@bristol-buddhist-centre.org (Safeguarding documents can be found on this page).
* ‘Triratna’ is the sanskrit word for ‘three jewels’, the three most precious things in Buddhism – the Buddha, his teachings (the Dharma) and the community of his followers (the Sangha).
Bristol Buddhist Centre’s team: