Eco-Crisis Practice Group | 19 Sept

Sunday 19th September | 5.30 – 7pm
“… as one never quite knows a mountain, nor oneself in relation to it. Knowing another is endless … the thing to be known grows with knowing.”
Nan Shepherd (The Living Mountain)
In this group we will be exploring our connection with nature and how it can support us and our practice.
We are invited to bring an item…a picture? a stone? a leaf perhaps?… which symbolises this connection to offer to the shrine.
In person at the centre – find on our events page and book yourself a space!

Sunday 10th October | 5:30 – 7pm
The Lotus that Blooms in the Fire: finding equanimity in a burning world
‘…The lotus that blooms from the midst of flames becomes all the more beautiful and fragrant the nearer the fire rages.’ (Zen Master Hakuin, from ‘The Life of Activity compared with the Life of Calm’)
What greater challenge to our practice could there be but the climate emergency, this threat to all life on our planet? How can our practice become a gift to this burning world? In this session we’ll explore a number of different tools for cultivating equanimity: a state where the heart is both wide open to all that is arising, and at peace.
Dates: 19 Sept, 10 Oct, 7 Nov, 12 Dec