Sangha Night |Listen again 2018

Sangha Night |Listen again 2018

Our final series of talks on Spiritual Rebirth:

Myth and Archetype with Taranita on 19th  Nov

The Dhamma Niyama and the Five Buddha Mandala with Taranita on 12th Nov


  Spiritual death series with Bhadra and Suryadaya:

“Metta as the primary support” with Bhadra 25th September

“Dissolving the illusion of control” with Suryadaya 2nd October

“The practice of Sangha as spiritual death” with Suryadaya 16th October

“The vital intermediate state of disorientation” with Bhadra 23rd October

17 July – Amrtanadi welcome back – read her talk below:

my welcome back

Spiritual Receptivity & the realm of Amitabha

3 July – Launching the new series on Spiritual Receptivity and Amitabha – talk by Naravira

Positive Emotion & the realm of Ratnasambhava

26 June – Shantigarbha launching his book ‘I’ll meet you there’ – talk upload coming soon!

12 June: Buddhist Action Month: ‘Revisioning our Relation to the World’ with Bhadra  Talk

5 June: Ratnasambhava’s delight with  Amalavajra Guided Katanyata Bhavana (cultivation of gratitude) meditation

1-4 June: Sangha Retreat at Adhisthana Naravira-led-Meditation

1-4 June: Sangha Retreat at Adhisthana Naravira-Dharmakaya-Talk

1-4 June: Sangha Retreat at Adhisthana Satyalila-Samboghakaya-Talk

1-4 June: Sangha Retreat at Adhisthana Bhadra’s Talk

1-4 June: Sangha Retreat at Adhisthana Satyalila-Talk

15 May: The Brahma Viharas with Prajnamati Handout / Talk / Mudita Exercise / Guided Karuna Bhavana

8 May: Celebrating the Positive with Prajnamati Handout / Talk /Guided Meditation

17 April: Listen to Kulajalini’s talk and meditation.

10 April: self metta with Kulajalini Talk Exercise

3 April: Celebrating Triratna Order 50th Birthday with 50 voices: Talk

Satyalila shared some glimpses into the vision and the (sometimes messy!) unfolding of what began on 7 April 1968 when Triratna Buddhist Order was founded.  The talk includes a sneak preview of the ‘Fifty Years, Fifty Voices’ project, she’s been working on since last year and how Sangharakshita’s Complete Works are a vital part of the story.

27 March: Introducing positive emotion and Ratnasambhava with Prajnamati and Kulajalini Handout / Talk

Integration and the Realm of Akshobya

20 March Sarah leaves for ordination – (Jvalamalini, Jen and Beth). Akshobhya mantraMetta sutta.

13 Mar : Taranita with ‘The Buddha’s Life as a Journey of Integration‘.

6 Mar : Karunavapi with ‘Commitment and Doubt‘.

27 Feb : Jvalamalini with ‘Vajra: Symbol of Integration‘.  and the talk by Sangharakshita that Jvalamalini mentions

20 Feb : Subhadramati with ‘Lion’s Roar: Why Integration = Love‘.

6 Feb : Unfortunately Bhadra’s talk didn’t record but here’s the write up: The mandala of selves and the mirror

30 Jan : Dayajoti with ‘Calming the Restless Mind‘.

23 Jan : Jvalamalini with ‘Touching Earth – Introducing Akshobya and Integration‘.

16 Jan : Jvalamalini with ‘Mandala of Practice – a Map for the Journey‘.

9 Jan : Karunavapi with ‘Mandalas: Mythic and Personal‘.


Bristol Buddhist Centre, 162 Gloucester Rd, Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8NT

Triratna Buddhist Community in Bristol is a Registered Charity in England (900165).

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