What are Mitras & Order Members?
Bristol Buddhist Centre is a place for those who have decided to deepen their Buddhist practice and to go for refuge to the Buddha, the Dharma (his teachings), and the Sangha (the community of his followers). It is an opportunity to deepen your commitment, practice and understanding of what it is to practice Buddhism in the modern world. It is also a wonderful chance to build friendships and grow our community together.
A mitra (a Sanskrit word meaning ‘friend’) has decided that they are a ‘Buddhist’, that they wish to practice Buddhism within the context of the Triratna Buddhist Community, and have marked this in a simple ritual. If you’re interested in becoming a mitra, read this booklet and talk to any Order Member.
Mitras have the opportunity of a four year Dharma Training Course. This course requires some reading before each session, and then discussion when meeting together. There are audio recordings of the course material, as well as many books available on the Triratna Audio Library. There’s also a group for mitras on the Buddhist Centre Online. If you’d like to read more about diversity and inclusivity then click here.
If you’d like to discuss becoming a mitra, talk to:
For those who identify as men: naravira@bristol-buddhist-centre.org
For those who identify as women: wmc@bristol-buddhist-centre.org
The Bristol Buddhist Centre welcomes every person and aims to support them to participate fully in the events and the life of the Centre. This includes people whose sense of gender exists outside of the binary notions of male and female.
If you do not identify within the binary notions of gender you are very welcome to speak to any member of the team you feel comfortable with.
Order Members (aka Dharmacharin(i)s – ‘Dharma-farers’) have been recognised, at their ordination ceremony, to be practising Buddhism effectively.