Sangha Night
This event has already happened.
Our journey around the mandala of the 5 Buddhas will reach its end tonight. At the start of the year we touched the earth with Akshobya, the Unshakeable. Spring brought us into Ratnasambhava’s golden abundance, and in the summer we were bathed in Amithaba’s ruby, radiant love. Amoghasiddhi met us with fearlessness as autumn unfolded. And finally, as the winter nights drew in, Vairocana invited us to open and relax in the space of his all-encompassing wisdom and compassion. Tonight we will honour our journey and its completion, through reflection and puja (ritual).
Arrive from 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start.
For those who have completed an intro course at any time.
Please do give for the classes and events you attend. Every financial gift is appreciated, and it is with your generosity that our centre is here and thriving.