Thank you for your generosity

Thank you for your generosity

Dave talks dana

The generosity of those who stepped through the doors before you is why this inspiring centre and sangha is here for us to enjoy. Please do give to keep passing this on:

Set up a monthly donation here

Acts of generosity help build a deep trust in interconnectedness and depends on us all consciously choosing to act now and donating to maintain and grow the precious life of this Centre. Each donation to keeps the doors open and the teachings flowing.

Choosing to donate now brings opportunities for others around you and for those yet to find these teachings and this community.

Suggested donations: £15 per class (waged) £7 per class (unwaged), for a whole day event we suggest £30. Donate within your means. If you can afford more then please consider a higher donation. If you have a lower income then feel into what financial gift feels right for you.

Monthly direct debit. Regular donations are really helpful. They allow us to forward plan and budget effectively. Could you consider a monthly donation of £60 if waged or £30 if you’re unwaged?

Make a One-Off Donation Here

Thank you ❤️

Please email if you need support with your donation.

Some of our regular donors say why they give:

“I think we need to build the community we want to see. Providing dana (donations) is a perfect way to achieve that. It’s a way to give financial freedom to the centre to implement itself in the best way possible, to make sure other people can have such great experiences – experiences of the learning Dharma (Buddha’s teachings & practices). Giving is an opportunity to make Buddhism accessible for other people. I think the amount you give allows for certainty and structure for the way the centre can run, particularly by giving monthly. And Gift Aid is a very simple way to give extra to the centre that makes a difference.” Adam

“I give to the Buddhist Centre because I know that they give back an awful lot more, to me and to every other person who goes there, whether they attend regularly or just now and then. It’s not really possible to put a value on what the Centre provides; the friendships, the warm welcoming atmosphere, the teachers and, most importantly, the opportunities to discover the Buddhist teachings. I don’t think there is anywhere else like it in Bristol and I know whatever is happening out in the big, wide world, the Buddhist Centre has got my back. It’s a special place that we need to cherish look after.” Michael

“I give to the Centre for two reasons: primarily it is to sustain the existence of a place of peace and security and opportunity  to develop as people, in a world of threatening circumstances and constant challenge.  My other reason is that I can receive the benefits of the place and the people and the learning opportunities to enable me to thrive.”  Daman

“I am giving to the Buddhist Centre at this time as it is such a valuable and rich resource and opportunity to connect in these very challenging times. For my self I believe building community and nurturing friendships are such a lifeline. I have especially appreciated being a part of sangha circle, relating in a real way and attempting to go beyond those views that can so get in the way of ‘ true relating’.” Dharmamrta  

Bristol Buddhist Centre, 162 Gloucester Rd, Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8NT

Triratna Buddhist Community in Bristol is a Registered Charity in England (900165).

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Our aim is to inspire a culture of generosity in the way we share Buddhist teachings. Therefore most of our meditation and Buddhism activities are offered on a generosity basis – what you contribute is left to your generosity. You don't have to give anything if you don't want to or can't afford to, but we hope you'll be able to contribute appropriately so more people can benefit. To learn more see donate