People of Colour

People of Colour

People of Colour Events

Next Bristol Centre People of Colour event 19th April Bristol Meditation day

Our people of colour spaces are an opportunity for all people of African, Asian and mixed heritage to come together for meditation, practice and community. Led by people of colour, for people of colour.  

Triratna Buddhist Community offers both online and in person events, from introductory sessions to practice days and residential retreats.  Keep an eye on the Whats On page.

Join the London Buddhist Centre on the second Sunday of each month from 10am till 11.30am for our online sessions. Led by The London Buddhist Centre’s People of Colour team, we meditate, explore Buddhist teachings and discuss ways how we can apply these in our lives.

Monthly online meditation class. Every second sunday of the month Online meditation class

You can contact the team on:

People of Colour National Gathering
2nd – 5th May

In-person at Adhishtana retreat centre near Malvern

The National Gathering is the biggest event on the People of Colour calendar. It is four days of practising meditation, slowing down, teachings from highly experienced practitioners of colour and connecting with one another whilst living in community.

Retreatants gather from all around the UK and further for this annual event in the beautiful, peaceful, springtime blossoming grounds of Adhisthana. This People of Colour event welcomes those who identify as: Black, Asian, South-East Asian, Latinx, Arab/ Middle Eastern, biracial, mixed heritage and multiracial.

For more information and to book: Adhisthana

Bristol Buddhist Centre, 162 Gloucester Rd, Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8NT

Triratna Buddhist Community in Bristol is a Registered Charity in England (900165).

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Our aim is to inspire a culture of generosity in the way we share Buddhist teachings. Therefore most of our meditation and Buddhism activities are offered on a generosity basis – what you contribute is left to your generosity. You don't have to give anything if you don't want to or can't afford to, but we hope you'll be able to contribute appropriately so more people can benefit. To learn more see donate