People of Colour Retreat Day
This event has already happened.
‘Just as the mighty ocean has but one taste, the taste of salt,
So too has my teaching but one taste… the taste of freedom.‘
-The Buddha
How does the Buddha’s teaching on freedom relate to us as people of colour?
The Bristol day retreat is a unique opportunity to come together and explore the path to liberation through Buddhist meditation practices, discussions, and chanting.
Come along and join us whether you’ve meditated before or its your first time.
With Amaragita and Maitrinita.
Please bring vegan or vegetarian lunch to share. By donation on the day.
Booking essential – email
Amaragita has been in love with meditation for the last 36 years. She loves to have conversations with people that open up possibility.
She is a mother of two children and has been ordained in the Triratna Buddhist Order for 23 years. She leads retreats for mothers, intergenerational retreats, people of colour retreats, and meditation courses. She is a trainer and facilitator and teaches coaching and communication skills. She is currently the Chair of Buddhafield, a charity committed to land based Buddhist practices and ecological renewal.

Maitrinita was born in Bristol and is of Caribbean heritage. She has been exploring meditation and Buddhism since the mid-1990’s and was ordained in 2017. She lives in London with her teenage daughter. She is a Breathworks mindfulness teacher and currently works in the community for the NHS. She enjoys music, art, dancing, tv, and walking across London’s bridges .

We run our classes on donations, so that everyone can access them regardless of income. To help support us and keep this approach alive please do give what you can.