Padmasambhava Day Festival
This event has already happened.
A Festival to celebrate the wisdom and magic of Padmasambhava. Whether you are familiar or even if you have never heard of this amazing person, come and meet him today. Led by the “Dharma Bums” Chapter. Supported by members of the Sangha. Come and listen to inspiring stories. Come and make masks, and come and be with Sangha. Celebrate this historical and mythical figure that offers liberation to all. Suitable for all those familiar with Triratna’s system of meditation. (Please note parents are very welcome to come along with their children but they must be with you at all times)
10:00 AM | Arrivals, welcomes and chai |
10.30-10.50AM | Introductory talk |
10.50-12.50AM | Readings from the Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava with meditation / reflection (with comfort break) |
1-2.30PM | Lunch. Bring vegetarian food to share |
2.30-4.15PM | Demon mask making (Triratna family friendly) |
4.15-4.30PM | Comfort break |
4.30-5.15PM | Padmasambhava visualisation and mantra (Triratna family friendy) |
5.15-5.30PM | Comfort break |
5.30-6.15PM | Evening talk |
6.15-7.45PM | Dinner. Bring vegetarian food to share |
7.45-9PM | Puja to Padmasambhava |
9.00 PM | Finish |
Our Centre runs on generosity and the majority of our income is from donations. We don’t have fix rates for our classes so income isn’t a factor in giving people access to Buddhism and meditation. To keep this alternative and accessible economic system going, please do give. You can give by one-off donations after each class, or even better, give monthly by standing order. Give here.