Arts Events - Arts Café
This event has already happened.
In celebration of the vibrant and creative Sangha we are, the centre is reviving our Arts Café events. Our intention is to hold five events over the next year or so, on the theme of the Five-Buddha Mandala. For each of the events we will gather during the season of association with each of the five Buddhas and their consorts in turn. This will include a midsummer solstice celebration of Vairocana and his consort Akasadhatvisvari, whose qualities of illumination and enlightenment are often associated with the sun at midday.
For this first Arts Café event, we are inviting creative responses and contributions of existing work relating to the qualities of Amitābha, whose name can be translated into English as “infinite light”, and his consort, Pandaravasini (“she who is robed in purity”). Amitābha is associated with the west and the sunset, which is why we are holding this event near to the Autumn Equinox, which marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn – the sunset of the year, if you like. Amitābha has many associations and qualities which you might want to respond to, including his colour, poison, element, animal, mantra or mudra, for example. You may prefer to explore the qualities of Pandaravasini, or to explore the relationship between some of the qualities of both Buddha and Consort. We invite you to use this exploration as an opportunity to prepare for the turning of the season, to reflect on all that could be offered by what is to come.
Feel free to attend either as a contributing artist or simply as an audience member. We welcome art of all forms, music, poetry, plastic arts, film, etc. and will show as much as we can on the evening. Please let us know about any works you’d like to submit by the 13th of September, or if you would like to perform at the event please get in touch with Thea at: or Naravira at: