Buddha Day Festival Images of Enlightenment
This event has already happened.
Our Buddha Day Festival will focus on particular images that may help us resonate and find new meaning in the reality of the Buddhas enlightenment.

Images of enlightenment
Hannah, Nirajadhi and Bhadra are excited to offer a full day and evenings activities exploring this theme in celebration of the Buddha. This includes sutra readings, meditation, painting, singing, celebratory puja and a general introduction to reflecting through images by Bhadra with a talk on the symbolism of the lotus from Nirajadhi later in the day.
We will look at these images:-
- the tree, with particular reference to the Rose apple tree experience and the crucial place of trusting embodied presence.
- The empty seat as an act of remembrance and longing.
- The Naga serpent of the depths as a symbol of integration and protection.
- The footprint as pointing to the human life of the Buddha and the parasol as cosmic interconnectedness and the shared will to enlightenment for the benefit of all.
- Nirajadhi will share how the symbolism of the lotus and its reflection in the meaning of her name given to her at ordination has deepened her Buddhist practice.
Timetable for the Day
- 10.45 Doors open for prompt 11am start
- 11.00 Dedication ceremony. Meditation. Introduction to the imaginal language of Buddhism with Bhadra.
- 12.00 Tea break.
- 12.30 Guided reflection on the images with associated readings from traditional texts with Bhadra
- 13.30 Lunch ** Bring something to share (vegan/vege)
- 14.45 Painting activity (Triratna Families welcome) with Bhadra ** Wear clothes that paint won’t spoil!
- 16.00 Tea Break
- 16.30 Sangha Singing with Hannah & Suzie (Triratna Families welcome)
- 17.30 Nirajadhi on her personal experience of the symbolism of the lotus
- 18.15 Dinner ** Bring something to share (vegan/vege)
- 20.00 Special ‘Images of Enlightenment’ Buddha Day Festival Puja with Nirajadhi
Open to members of the sangha
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