Parinirvana Festival Day
Our festival days are key events in the Buddhist calendar. These are great opportunities to be with the Sangha and gain a larger perspective from the long tradition of Buddhism. Parinirvana Festival on the 16th February is when traditionally we reflect on impermanence in the context of the Buddhas last days and death.
Timetable and details for the day to follow:
The day will be rounded off with a fabulous Special Festival Puja where we will hear some of the readings from earlier, circumambulate the reclining Buddha, offer up our mantra, scatter flowers and remember those who have passed.
We really hope you can join us for all or parts of the day.
Please bring veggie food to share for meals.
Please bring photos of anyone who has died that you would like to remember for the shrine.
Doors open 10.45am – 11am start.
For those who have done an intro course at any time / familiar with Triratna.
Our Centre runs on generosity and the majority of our income is from donations. We don’t have fix rates for our classes so income isn’t a factor in giving people access to Buddhism and meditation. To keep this alternative and accessible economic system going, please do give. You can give by one-off donations after each class, or even better, give monthly by standing order. Give here.